ships move on land.


编辑22 March 2018 - 2:20 pm通过YungDobrindt
Hello everyone,

yesterday I started to set up my voobly, because I heard that the performance on voobly is better then steam. I had some difficulties but eventually, everything seemed to work fine. So I started playing games against the BruteForce3.1 Ai to look if the game runs fine. At first it seemed like it did, but then when I walled of, the enemy scout was still able to go though my houses and walls. (same like a wolf that killed my villager, after the wall was already up.) So I double checked if there was some hole, but there wasn't. 2 minutes later the Ai started to show up with ships but not on water where you would expect them. They moved on Land infact my ships can too. My land units cant walk on water, but ships can move on land. While this might be funny the first 10 seconds, it is frustrating that I can't play properly. I'm wondering if I could attack on land with my ships in a rated game :D
Jk, but is there any way I can fix this? Is this a common bug?
Also I have downloaded the wololo kingdom patch and can play the expansions, but the game still doesn't look as good as on HD, is this normal or do I have to use a mod?

I hope someone can help me out and thank you for your time.
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编辑22 March 2018 - 3:43 pm通过[MM]Gallas
hi YungDobrindt,

Wololokingdom has this weird bug if you use different patch than Userpatch 1.5.

You can advance many graphics what you want for your game by Visual mods.
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发布22 March 2018 - 3:58 pm
Thank you for the quick answer it seems that I'm still on Userpatch 1.4. Where and how can I upgrade to 1.5?
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发布22 March 2018 - 6:28 pm but you already have it.

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