Crashing spectate mode


发布21 October 2017 - 11:39 am

Everytime I am a spectator the game crashes whilst launching.

I used to be able to spectate fine.

Please see photo for the error message.

Please help.

Spectating Error.png (文件大小: 13.16 KB)

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编辑10 November 2017 - 1:48 pm通过Jineapple
Hi! Can you provide a bit more information, please?

1) What games are you trying to spectate? Are they played with a Data mod or on a different patch than 1.4RC (e.g. the UP 1.5 beta?). If yes, which ones and do you have those installed? Does spectating other games work?
2) Can you watch recorded games through Voobly?
3) Do you use any local mods and if yes, have you tried with those disabled?
4) What operating system do you use?

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