Which is the link for buying aoc online


发布15 September 2017 - 8:58 am
Hi there, Im hoping to buy aoc online eventhough I have the CD but ever since I started using windows 10 there has been this lag/stuttering for about 10 minutes sometimes none sometimes longer, I've tried almost every fix there is and I give up now so im assuming if I buy it online there's a good chance it'll work, its worth a shot. Searched online but all I can see is aoe 2 not conquerors, so im assuming thats included in the download. If you could kindly post me a link so I can go ahead and buy it I'd appreciate it
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Voobly Team

发布15 September 2017 - 9:46 am
About your lag, please ensure that your game room settings are exactly like this:
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You can verify this by hosting a game room in any lobby

As for buying AOC, I would suggest buying the HD version from steam. More so now since you can play the HD civs on Voobly too with the wololo kingdoms patch.
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发布15 September 2017 - 10:31 am
Hi Sunny i've tried all of that didn't make any difference, ports are open, no lag when i launch the game vs computer, re installed game and OS,firewall open etc etc. Im hoping the steam version will magically end this issue. If i download aoe 2 conquerors is included there?

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Voobly Team

发布16 September 2017 - 10:20 am
Are you referring to lag in single player games (games that you play with the computer) on Voobly? If yes, try using 1.5 patch and see if it makes a difference.

For games you play with other players on Voobly you need to make sure that you do not have a fast proxy connection to any player. For lag free games it is important for every player to be able to have a direct connection to every other player in your game room.

I seriously doubt getting a steam version of the game will help you fix any lag issues but you can try and yes you can buy AOC HD version from steam.
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编辑16 September 2017 - 1:07 pm通过XZIKX
Hi Sunny, yeah I meant in multiplayer on voobly, no fp, 16000 UDP open. So on steam i would be looking for age of kings 2 and conquerors would be included im guessing
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发布16 September 2017 - 6:14 pm
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