Age Of Empires IV Announced

Poll: Will Age of Empires IV be better than AOC?
They'll both be amazing

编辑23 August 2017 - 4:27 am通过[TsC]SmilingTurtle
Age Of Empires IV Officially announced at Gamescom 2017

Microsoft has announced Age of Empires IV

It has been a very very long wait. But... the wait is over.

I look forward to seeing each and everyone of you on the battlefield. Good luck out there.
Thanks Voobly for keeping the dream alive, without you I know they wouldn't be making this.
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发布23 August 2017 - 5:00 am
I can swear this version will be really good but not on the aoc measure so no! :P
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发布23 August 2017 - 5:52 am
I think they are just searching for easy money, not much chance they will find my money ^^
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编辑25 August 2017 - 3:58 pm通过arslan
Interestingly they are using "Relic Games" as developers for Age of Empires IV, which in past has created "Company of Heroes" series and "Warhammer 40000" game series, both of which have different game play as compared to Age of Empires Series. It will be interesting as what gameplay method they choose for AOE 4, the harder it is for current players to grab and understand, lower their sales will be.

Also one of the main reason AOE 3 could not get too much popularity compared to AoE2 was different gameplay and Online Multiplayer was not very efficient. A dedicated server system for Age of Empires 4 would be nice to reduce lag issue affecting everyone's game.

From the trailer I think they would include pretty much every Civilization From AOE 1 to AOE 3 including african and asian civs. That may not be Historically appropriate, but neither it is now, Mayans vs Saracens, as both civs could not enage as they did not exist in the same era. But we still love to see them fight. More Civs mean more fun.

I was expecting Age of Empires 4 comprising of present Day Civs or Countires... Like USA, China, Russia etc with more advanced Weapons... A new age is upon us... May be that's why they gave the task of developing AOE 4 to Relic games as they have experience of making similar games.. Who knows!! 😉

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