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NAT TRANSVERSAL (O como jugar sin abrir puertos)


发布2 June 2010 - 5:33 pm
Despues de mucho tiempo en pruebas, ya se puede confirmar que esto funciona bien.
Todos aquellos que tenian problemas para jugar debido a problemas con el router, ya no tendran que preocup****.

Para ello, cuando seais host de una partida, haced click en el boton "settings". Luego marcais la opcion "NAT Transversal" y listo. Ya podreis ser host o uniros a partidas sin necesidad de abrir puertos.

Para saber si el host de la partida tiene dicha opcion habilitada, solo hace falta mirar a la izquierda. Si dice "Nat transversal: Yes" es que si lo tiene habilitado.

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发布2 June 2010 - 11:57 pm
:O:O ;thumbup
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发布3 June 2010 - 12:08 am
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发布4 June 2010 - 9:08 pm
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发布5 June 2010 - 5:40 am
;w00t Que bueno ¡¡ al final aumentaran mas los jugadores de voobly espero que esa sea la razon :D
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发布13 June 2010 - 7:29 pm
mmmmmmmmm el nt causa problemas
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发布14 June 2010 - 7:37 am
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发布15 June 2010 - 9:59 pm
jajajaja vientos alu gay ;w00t
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发布17 June 2010 - 9:00 am
te conosco man¿¿¿
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发布19 June 2010 - 5:08 am
a mi me da muchos problemas de lag y falta de coneccion con algunos players que hago?
tien solucion?
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发布19 June 2010 - 9:44 am
Ja, me sorprende k nunca pudieron hacer una herramienta decente para la comprobacion de puertos habiertos, y ahora dicen k solucionaron el juugar sin puertos abiertos [obvio k me refiero a los puertos 2300-2400], eso esta por verse...
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发布19 June 2010 - 10:01 am
Ja, me sorprende k nunca pudieron hacer una herramienta decente para la comprobacion de puertos habiertos, y ahora dicen k solucionaron el juugar sin puertos abiertos [obvio k me refiero a los puertos 2300-2400], eso esta por verse...
Esta claro que a mucha gente le da problemas, pero, la mayoria, entre los que yo me incluyo, me va perfectamente, y, puedo jugar sin abrir puertos ni lag.
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发布20 June 2010 - 7:17 am
Antes k nada, wenas las tengas Victor, hacia tiempo k no entraba por estos rumbos ^^

Y siguendo con el tema, ya hice un par de pruebas con esa madre y la verdad a mi me da un lag terrible, tengo 2Mb de coneccion, y con el metodo viejito, osease abrir puertos, ps no me da nada de lag, hay k tomar un par de cosas en cuenta en esto; 1ro y creo k el mas importante, el SO [sistema operativo] ps yo tengo el Xp con SP 3 [por razones k no voy a mencionar me veo atado a esta porkeria de SO] hice un par de pruebas en un SO windows 7 y va muy bien, con puertos cerrados y abiertos, no hubo diferencia realmente, se juega normal, kiero decir con el lag normal, tampoco va como si estuvieras jugando campañas, y probe con un vista en una laptop, pero es una porkeria de PC y es un lag k no puedes ni jugar, los 3 SO con la misma coneccion fisica, es decir mismo cable de ethernet, no hubo variacion de puertos ni direccion de IP, tanto local como externa, ni cambio de usuario ni cambio de vercion de cliente, los tres ekipos fueron actualizados con el mismo cliente.

Segundo punto, creo que la compañia y tipo de red k manejan tambien es muy importante, ya k por algo no puedes abrir puertos importantes, como es de los principales servidores de VOIP, juegos online, paginas web [puerto 80 / 8080], P2P ares emule, kazza, limewire, super mp3 download, progrmas para torrent etc,], radio online, Tv online, y demas pendejadas k un usurario comun usa normalmente, por eso son tan baratas esas conecciones, por k te castran literalmente el internet..., en mi caso tengo practicamente todo abierto para hacer y deshacer, es caro pero lo vale, puedo cambiar de IP tanto local como externa, puedo abrir puertos a mi antojo, puedo cambiar mis DNS si asi lo deseo, puedo incluso enrutar mi modem a otras compañias, y asi "simular" ips locales en otro pais, y digo -simular- por k literalmente puedo cambiar de IP fisica gracias a mis libertades, pero no en todos los casos es lo mismo...

De hecho me estoy informando de esta tecnologia haber si puedo ayudar en algo, lo dudo, pesto k hablamos de programacion, pero aun asi sigo con mi investigacion.

Y apenas empese a leer el foro de ayuda, y esta plagado de kejas sobre el sistema nuevo, y en lo personal yo creo que no lo van a mejorar, asi ha sido desde k crearon IGZ y asi seguira siendo. solo cambiaran de nombre otra ves, cambiaran de foro, y banearan al k no este de acuerdo con sus politicas o/y amigos cheaters.
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发布20 June 2010 - 8:17 am
haber kien es bueno es terminos tecnicos de traduccion?
k me ayude e entender esta madre k pusieron en ingles para variar:

NAT Traversal removes the requirement users to manually forward ports (though it might be recommended in rare circumstances) and allows multiple LAN players to easily play in the same game room.

For more help it's recommend you visit the NAT Traversal Forum.

1 Architectural Diagram
1.1 Justification for NAT Traversal
1.2 How NAT Traversal works
2 Common Problems
2.1 Failed to establish a direct connection
2.2 Connection to 'user' is not responsive
2.3 Trouble with multiple players on the same network
2.4 Crashing or unable to make it into the game
2.5 Direct connections have been disabled
2.6 Fast proxy server is disabled
2.7 My game is lagging now, what do I do?
3 Settings
3.1 General NAT Traversal Settings
3.2 Game Room settings
3.3 Game Browser
4 Debug Commands
4.1 /nt_tunnels
4.2 /nt_ping [size (optional)] [tunnel (optional)]

Architectural Diagram

A high level architectural diagram is below:


Justification for NAT Traversal

Without NAT traversal the game itself tries to establish connections to all remote players after it is launched. Unfortunately, these days there are a lot of routers (NATs) in use. This causes troubles for games because instead of reaching the remote computer the data ends up getting stuck in the router. To workaround this, users typically have to forward ports to their computer. This causes trouble because (1) it's challenging to port forward for some users (2) some users don't have control over their routers (e.g.: at a wifi hotspot). The path used by the game is the NAT Traversal Off route shown above.

How NAT Traversal works

With NAT Traversal, there are three paths for the game data to go:

1. NAT Direct Tunnel - This is a direct path from one user to another (peer-to-peer). It's like the non-NAT Traversal path, however, the Voobly server is used only when the connection is established. The server is used to able to setup a path for the two computers to communicate without first being able to talk to each other. Once the connection is established the server gets out of the way. This works for most users, however, those with symmetric NATs will still have to manually port forward (they break the technique used to establish the connection)
2. Fast Proxy Server - This is a dedicated server for relaying game traffic that runs on one of the Voobly central servers. It's only used when a direct tunnel cannot be established. Because it's not direct using this path will increase the time it takes to delay packets and increase the players pings who use it.
3. Slow Proxy Server - This proxy server also relays game traffic, however, unlike the fast proxy server it reuses the network connection used for the lobby / game room. Like, fast proxy in-game latency is increased, however, with the slow proxy server it's increased even more as the lobby was never designed for low latency communication, whereas, the fast proxy server was.

When NAT traversal is enabled connections are established in the game room. This is unlike when NAT traversal is off and the game establishes connections after the game is launched. When a user joins the game room a negotiation happens to determine the fastest way those computers can communication. In order of priority they are direct tunnel (peer-to-peer), fast proxy server, and then finally the slow proxy server as a last resort.

To see what the current route is to all the users in the room you can use the /nt_tunnels comment. More commands see Debug Options.

Common Problems

The following is not an exhaustive list. For more help it's recommend you visit the NAT Traversal Forum.

Failed to establish a direct connection

This is the most common problem on Voobly. A user below is shown getting this error:


The caused by the two users not being able to directly connect to each other through the ports specified in the NAT Traversal settings in Voobly. The problem is either you or the person you failed to connect with. If you can connect to most other users it's probably not your problem, so ask the other user if they see this issue a lot.

Things to try (this will fix it for 99% of the people that get this error):

1. Try changing the NAT port to port 5000 in Settings.
2. Try changing the NAT port to port 3400 in Settings.
3. Try changing the NAT port to port 2310 in Settings.
4. If none of the above ports worked switch back to 5000 before continue to next steps.
5. You can try enabling Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) in Voobly Settings. More information on is available at Universal Plug and Play (UPnP).
6. Try disabling an anti-virus / firewall if you have one
7. If you have DMZ or the port forward to another PC disable those
8. Try rebooting router and PC
9. As a last resort forward the port in your router to your PC see Instructions on port forwarding can be found at [You must login to view link] and Unable To Join Games.

Connection to 'user' is not responsive

Try the same things as in Failed to establish a direct connection.

If you have tried all those things you can try forcing all traffic through the proxy server (NAT Traveral setting) and that should solve this problem though you're ping will increase.

Trouble with multiple players on the same network

Try giving each player a different port setting the NAT traversal options.

Crashing or unable to make it into the game

If you have trouble making it into a game or connecting after the game launches. You can try the forcing the use of the proxy server and disabling the fast proxy. The direct connection is the most complicated and therefore most likely to have problems. The fast proxy server is also more complex than the slow proxy server. To change these options go to Settings.

Direct connections have been disabled
<Direct connections have been disabled -- all traffic is being routed through a Voobly proxy server. This will increase your in-game latency. You can change this setting in the "NAT Traversal" panel in settings>

You have selected to always use the proxy server. You can change this in Settings.

Fast proxy server is disabled
<Fast proxy server is disabled -- all proxy traffic is being routed through the slow proxy server. This will increase your in-game latency. You can change this setting in the "NAT Traversal" panel in settings>

You have selected to not use the fast proxy server. You can change this in Settings.

My game is lagging now, what do I do?

In 99% of the time this happens because someone is connected through a proxy server. Make sure no one has any warning icons like below:


To ensure everyone is directly connected type /tunnels and make sure the route is direct. If there are any fast proxy connections the player at fault is recommended to read Failed to establish a direct connection.


General NAT Traversal Settings

The latest two check boxes shouldn't be checked other than for debug.


Game Room settings

To enable NAT traversal for your game room you need to click NAT Traversal in game options.


Game Browser

The game rooms with the white satellites have NAT traversal enabled:

Debug Commands


This command lists the status of the tunnels to everyone in the game room:
<[#0] [stef] Sent: 204 B, 5 KiB, 56 B Received: 212 B, 9 KiB, 32 B Remote Port: 2310 Route: fast proxy Retries: 0>
<[#1] [Introduction] Sent: 180 B, 5 KiB, 2 KiB Received: 180 B, 5 KiB, 0 B Remote Port: 0 Route: fast proxy Retries: 0>
<Data sent and received format is [slow proxy], [fast proxy], [direct]>

/nt_ping [size (optional)] [tunnel (optional)]

Sends a packet and waits for a response from all users in the room. The tunnel used can be "fast", "slow", and "direct". If the option isn't specified the negotiated tunnel is used (i.e.: the fastest one).
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编辑20 June 2010 - 8:22 am通过[_dOp_]_GatoT_
mendigas fotos no salieron, pero les deje el link para k vean completo, pues lo unico k medio entendi es k en lugar del puerto 2300 hay k cambiar en los settings al 5000... y con eso entramos al fast server, weno aka lo ironico de todo esto es k para poder hacer lo k dice la guia, es k tengo k abrir los puertos de todos modos, sea cual sea el puerto, y volvemos a lo mismo, si no puedo abrirlos y de milargo pudira jugar seria un mendigo lag insoportable, y si puedo abrirlos... k mendigo caso tiene todo esto??? simplemente abro del 2300 al 2400 y se acabo tanto desmadre no mamen xD jjaajaj puras pendejadas terminan haciendo estos monos, asi pidan el puerto 0 o 1, si no se pueden habrir es imposible jugar.. no mamen.

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